Wednesday, 6 April 2011

D Day + 237 - Graduation!

Did you hear a huge bang in the region of East Midlands Airport today? That would be me, bursting with pride that my not so little girl graduated from cabin crew training today and got her wings! All her group were in their uniforms and looked so smart, it brought a tear to my eye when they called her nameand she went up to get herwings and certificate from her tutor!

It has been a long day and we've travelled quite a way but it was so very worth it for that moment; one of those forever moments that will be indelibly in our memories and what you wait for when you're a parent - they can be few and far between but are priceless.

Enough waffling now...I could go on and on but ee're on the ferry on the way home, shattered but happy and looking forward to having the girly home for a few days before she, quite literally, takes off.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

D Day + 236: Update?

Hello again.  It's been a while.  I thought I'd post an update, even though, in terms of C, there is nothing much different to report!  In terms of his illness he is still battling on manfully, coping extremely bravely with the horrible drugs he has to take and coming through relatively cheerfully.  He finished cycle four a couple of weeks ago nearly and is almost back to 'normal', by which I mean C-BC (before cancer).  And on top of that he's trying to keep himself occupied during the day - which is a good sign because it means he's feeling well enough to be bored!!  We're all looking forward to the better, warmer weather, not least so that he can get out and about and potter without getting cold, wet or blown about by the wind.  Roll on....

News re Romilly - she graduates from her training with Thomson Airways tomorrow!! The five weeks have absolutely flown by (pardon the pun) and we are travelling up to East Midlands Airport (which is somewhere near Derby I think - my geography always was rubbish) to watch the 'wings ceremony' and generally blub like a couple of good uns.  Our little angel gets her wings...aah.

Work is still the same - unsettled and uninspiring - with less people as the weeks go by!! They're either leaving for new jobs or being moved into similar ones.  It won't  be long before the office is almost empty.  No idea how all the jobs are going to get done with so few people doubt the admin fairies Mr Beynon clearly believes in will appear in the night and catch up on work while everyone's out of the office, for free obviously.  Yeah right.

It's been a hectic few weeks.  I'm not going to apologise yet again for not doing the blog; my life is whizzing around like a manic carousel right now and not only do I not have so much time to do this, but there honestly isn't really very much to report.  I could go back to blahing about everyday life but frankly that's not what this blog is about.  And I supposed really we should take it as a good thing that there's nothing to report - it means that C is, for the time being, doing well.  And that's an all too unusual positive right now.
