It's been a bit of a week. For me that is anyway. And I'm getting so bogged down in the negative things that's it's getting harder to be positive. Something to do with the moon? Or is it just that all this is finally starting to wear me down?
C's been a bit better this week, having finished the third cycle of treatment. He perks up within a couple of days of finishing and is so much more energised, positive and active. Which is a good thing really because I think I've imploded slightly, and I'm the one that needs the propping up!
My work situation is still hanging in the balance, which means that speculation is still rife as to what's going to happen to us. And when you get an office full of women speculating about something...well you can just imagine how that conversation goes. Romilly has also had details through about her training with Thomson, so that's completely thrown me and I'm starting to fret about her going, and how it's all going to be for all of us. Add into the mix the upcoming appointment with the oncologist next Thursday for the results of C's scan.....that's a recipe for one mixed up Karen!!
I'm going to have to apologise that I don't have anything very positive or interesting to post. But I guess that was bound to happen one day. There just isn't anything to's all mundane and very much in limbo.
I suppose one small 'up' is that my fitness is increasing, thanks to the lovely Bob and The Biggest Loser Challenge I'm doing on the I suppose physically I'm in much better shape than I've been for a while. It's so ironic that mentally and emotionally I'm a bit the worse for wear! C'est la vie....
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