Wednesday, 17 November 2010

D Day + 95: Monday 15 November 2010 - A Touch of Work

Amazingly this morning I managed to get myself up and dressed at a decent hour - because my lovely friend Deb had asked a favour: Could I proof read and format a report for her as it was urgent and a bit contentious.  Of course I could, it's something I haven't done in ages and I'll do anything to help her our.  So there I was, poised and ready at 8.15 this morning when she arrived.  I was even up before C, which is unusual in itself.  Deb is an Autism Inclusion Specialist, which means that she works with kids who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, giving support and advice to school staff to make the kids' time in school more easy and productive.  And she's very very good at it.  In fact she's very very good at a lot of things, and being a friend is another of them.  Love her to bits (NIALW!!)

So I spent the morning going through this report for her and it was nice to be doing something practical and useful - not that what I am doing at home isn't just that; but this is what I do for a living, and I'd forgotten how nice it feels to make a difference for someone in the job they do.  And she brought chocolate cake as a thank you so that was another bonus!!

C got to grips with varnishing the new back door this morning, having nipped down to Morey's to purchase the required equipment (we never seem to have any decent paintbrushes in stock...)  The door was a bit of a bugger to move as it's so heavy (which Wayne the carpenter says is good, because it means it's been made as 'Douglas Fir mortice and tenon', whatever that means).  It's standing up in the utility room, which means it's out of the way, but I'm not sure it's completely safe from having part of the coat of at least one of the animals attached to it at some point....Still, it does look nice and hopefully Wayne will get up to fit it long as the weather's right.
The weather is beautiful at the moment, it's that lovely cold, crisp and clear weather that makes you start to feel a bit Christmassy.  Walking to dogs is an absolute joy at the moment because being up high on the Down with these amazing views and such head-clearing fresh air makes me want to sing out loud; and actually I do, to whatever's playing on the ipod, after having carefully checked there's no-one about...although I'm sure that I must have been spotted/heard at some point and no doubt someone somewhere has got home from their dog walk and told their partner/parent/child about the slightly odd woman who marches around Culver Down singing to herself.....

...which was good practice for me because I went to the choir sectional again tonight.  Monday rehearsals are extra at the moment for separate parts of the choir to work on different aspects of the repertoire that are tricky for them.  This week it was tenors and basses - the lower end of the choir - but it's always useful, says Hannah, for other parts to be there to provide the accompaniment for whoever's turn it is to help with timing and pitch etc.  Last week I had been the only soprano, so it was a relief when Roz and Rowena turned up too this time!! Very useful evening once again - Gaudete is starting to feel a lot less intimidating!


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