It's been a much more inspiring and uplifting week this week for many reasons, the main one of which is that C has just finished the first cycle of biotherapy against the cancer. One down, two to go, and he's looking so much better at the moment than in the last few weeks. I don't know if mentally he feels stronger because he's got through the first round without too much of a struggle, or whether the meds are lifting him up, or whether we've adjusted to this situation so adroitly that it's just become the norm, but it's lovely to see him looking, acting and feeling a lot more like his old self - all the good bits anyway!!! He now has a two week break from the treatment before we see the oncologist on 18 November for update and re-prescription; should be interesting - I don't think C was that impressed with the oncologist (Dr Madhava, whom our Macmillan nurse affectionately calls 'Maddy', which I find a bit weird...). We realise that the next cycle may not be as relatively easygoing as the first, but the feeling that we've come through one round already is a huge relief. Onward and upward...
I must update you on the saga of our replacement back door - some time ago you may remember that I took out my frustration on our poor decrepit current back door (right at the beginning of C's diagnosis when nothing was being done very quickly) and we had taken the plunge and finally ordered a new one. That was back in mid-September, at which point B&Q said it would be two weeks to delivery - fine, brilliant, two weeks is not that long to wait really, and as B&Q is one of my favourite browsing shops I was happy to accommodate the wait. Ah how simple it all seemed back then - and how frankly bloody irritated, annoyed and fobbed off we feel about it right now!!! Yes you guessed it, the door still hasn't arrived; it has taken numerous phone calls by me and C over the last few weeks to try and ascertain on microgram of information on where this damned door is in the delivery process...and getting nowhere fast. The latest information we had been given was that they were expecting it in the store on 31 October; we duly rang on 1 November and were told on no less than four separate occasions that they would 'go and check with the buildings department and ring you back.' No-one rang back. We rang them again, and again, and finally again when C got through to the duty manager and had to do his best 'I-know-it's-not-your-fault-but-frankly-I'm-getting-annoyed-now' ex-manager calm but firm and assertive please-sort-it-out-now-before-my-wife-explodes type voice. And lo and behold the door had amazingly been delivered in the store just that morning...wonders will never cease will they? It's now due to be delivered to us on Monday, so the next phase begins where we have to try and organise (1) getting it varnished, (2) getting the appropriate handles and lock for it and (3) getting Wayne the Chippy round to fit it. And in the meantime just hope that the current door doesn't fall to bits in the wet weather....
There's been progress in the arrangements for Bren and Gem's wedding too. Bren finally got around to sorting out his best man - he asked his little brother!! I think it's lovely that he wanted to ask Chich, and even nicer that Chich was so chuffed to be asked; of course now he's bricking it slightly as the realisation of how much responsibility this role entails dawns slowly upon him...thankfully he is happy for me to help out so the pressure shouldn't be too much and Bren won't worry about it. I am just not sure how involved I want to get in what arrangements need to be made for the stag do...there are some things a mother just doesn't want to know! So with Romilly as a bridesmaid, Chich as the best man, they have started to look at reception venues, and have almost settled on one - I don't want to divulge its whereabouts right now, but suffice it to say that C and I went down there for lunch on Thursday and it is very, very nice so hopefully they'll go for that. They are also due to see the vicar or whoever it is these days at the church in Binstead, to discuss dates etc. Things are moving on!! Must start to consider what on earth I'm going to wear - bit of a weird role really, 'stepmother of the groom', but I guess not an unusual one in this day and age! New suit for C too I least this time he can't complain that it's like buying a work outfit.....
Thursday evening I left C and Chich happily ensconced in the lounge with their dinner and watching football, again, on the TV. Off I went to choir - things are getting a bit tense now as we realise how few rehearsals we have left before the concert, and how much work there still is to do. One particular piece that worries me personally is 'Gaudete' - and it's scary on four counts: (1) It's in Latin (which I don't mind as I did it at school, but confront 70 people with a song in a foreign language and you can bet your bottom dollar that the majority will wince a bit) (2) It is very fast (3) the piano accompaniment doesn't follow a normal kind of goes against the singing to make it more 'dramatic' (which is the kindest way I can think of to put it) (4) Hannah wants us to wave ribbons about in different rhythms - this last is quite worrying because in the past we've struggled to clap in time to a nice rhythmic song in can just imagine it can't you? I also envisage someone getting carried away and ending up taking someone's eye out....mind you if it's on the end of a red ribbon, who's to notice????
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