Since my last posting I've been pondering this blog, trying to rationalise it, justify it and identify its purpose. And comments from friends have helped with this, because one thing I had completely forgotten about is how many people read it to find out what's going on - it has gone beyond just being a means for me to spout forth on how we feel about our situation, it is now a signpost, if you will, of how we are doing, for all our friends, family, colleagues etc. I had forgotten about this simply because I was unaware of it; and this is why this posting is called Need to Know - because I do, I need to know who's out there reading this, if it's helpful/informative, and if I'm telling you the right things. I have had one (indirect) comment from a friend, saying that they didn't really want or need to know about my trip to Tesco, what I did in the garden, etc etc, which of course makes me interpret this as my blog being too boring. What I should remind myself is that one person's view is not necessarily everyone's view, and that though they are entitled to their view it shouldn't affect what I do or say, if I need to do and say something. So I will carry on, and hope once again that some of you will occasionally let me know how I'm doing - I want to know what you think, even if I don't agree with it!!!
The ongoing saga of the blood pressure seems to be resolving - I have now worked out that if I take C's BP first thing in the morning, it's quite high; by the time he's either stayed in bed, taken the Amlodipine (I love the technical names for things; makes me sound quite knowledgeable!) or both it's come right down again. So a change in strategy is required here - dole out the drugs first thing when we're up, but don't do the BP until an hour or so later. And definitely not in the middle of the afternoon. It's such a vicious cycle - he worries about his BP being high, so we test it and it is, which makes his BP stay high so he worries about taking the tablets, so his BP goes up, so we test it... you get the picture. I find it ironic really that of the six drugs C is currently taking, two are to treat an actual physical ailment and the rest are to cope with the side effects!!!! Twas ever so......
The winter hobbies are kicking in here at the Cole Bunker - C has a model to do (by which I mean he has a kit car to put together and not that he has scored big time with Heidi Klum or Elle Macpherson), Romilly has unearthed various jigsaws, and I've started making hearts again. I did this last year, and the year before, and sold them to friends and colleagues in aid of the Hospice. They're not brilliant, but quite sweet really and seem the be the 'in' thing lately, good for hanging around the house on door handles or wall hooks (as my sister has done - she's had a good few of them), or on your Christmas tree or presents. I haven't got any in stock so I'll have to get my skates on and make some up. Last year they didn't sell brilliantly well, which was disappointing. But once I've covered my costs the extra money goes to the Hospice - as I seem to remember saying two years ago, most people on the Island know someone who has benefited from the Hospice; my mum and C's mum certainly did.
Now the clocks have gone back it's darker early now, or as my Dad would say - "Get's late early dunnit?" I managed to get a bargain pair of walking boots at Blacks yesterday when C and I nipped into Newport for a whirlwind shopping trip. The boots were half price, good Karrimor walkers so I can now stomp around in comfort and support, and with dry feet!! I tested them out when we got home - weird that they felt so supportive, I hadn't realised how bad my old ones were. They got a good test this morning (Tuesday) as well when I walked back across the Downs with Sidney; the grass is all absolutely soaking and my feet stayed nice and dry all the way home - not so for Sidney though, he was soaked.
Rom's out tonight so C and I are on our own again. His appetite has been a bit better lately so I'm hoping to fill him up on cold roast chicken and chips; he's been much more calm and motivated recently (that sounds like a contradiction but it's not!). He's been sleeping much better the last few nights, and so have I, as he's taken to sleeping in the spare room (which is now his 'den' and actually really cosy) - a while ago we would have thought this was a sign that things were not good, but it's actually of huge benefit as we don't disturb each other and are both much more rested in the morning. Either that or his model really is Elle Macpherson and she's in the back room......
You don't know me Karen but I've known Chris through work for over 20 years, (and Bren for not so long!). I read your blog everyday and it puts me close to a guy that I have always admired and can't really do much to help! He, and your family are very lucky to have you and you are a shining star to all. Please give Chris my fond regards and I'll try and meet up with him for a bite to eat one lunchtime.