Tuesday, 30 November 2010

D Days 103 - 110: Things Are Catching Up With Me!

I realise it's been over a week since I blogged; truth is I've been so involved in other things that I haven't given this blog the time and effort it deserves, but in a way that's a good thing because it means life may at last be returning to some semblance or normality, i.e. I'm not spending my time focusing on our cancer story so much!!

Good news is that C is doing fine so far on Cycle 2 of the treatment - it's really encouraging to see him so in control of everything he can be, including organising his medication!  Luckily so far (touch wood) there haven't been any side effects, although we are prepared that they are bound to kick in at some point; but he's also doing well mentally and is keen to get on and do things now that he might have been dubious about first time around.  I guess we can say that the cancer is living with us, rather than us living with the cancer.

As my memory is rubbish at the moment it's not easy to recount everything that's happened in the last week; it probably wouldn't be that interesting anyway!  But we have got on with things and it's been reassuringly normal.   Romilly has a few Saturdays off work now that her colleague is back from holiday, so we made the most of that and went out and got the Christmas tree - don't panic, it's not in and decorated or anything, and because we bought a potted one it's hopefully going to last for a few years.  It is currently residing on the patio, awaiting the proper time to come indoors.  While we are at the garden centre we had a bit of lunch, and Rom and I had a look around Christmas World again...while C went off and put the tree in the Land Rover; you can only go so far with Christmas with him this early!

I also did my annual practice Christmas dinner on Sunday - it's not so much that I need to practise, but it's a good excuse to get a group of friends or family round and sit down to do those things usually reserved for The Day.  I think it's safe to say I can produce a fairly respectable meal for 10 people without too much trouble...and everyone seemed to enjoy it; bodes well for the real thing!

Today (Tuesday) was spent sorting out yesterday's delivery of logs - they were in the garage and needed to be ferried down to the wood store, and/or split down to a manageable size.  C and I started out doing this, and were then ably assisted by our neighbour Marc, who did a fabulous job with the heavy axe, and Chich who was an excellent barrow boy....we got the whole lot sorted by mid afternoon and my log store is now pleasingly full.  Unfortunately I have very achy arms and feel that I am bound to suffer even more tomorrow...but it was great to get it done, and to see how much C enjoyed being out there doing something purposeful, just like he used to.  Happy days.

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