Friday, 10 September 2010

D Day + 28: Thursday 9 September 2010 - Anniversary

Our 21st wedding anniversary!  Yep, it really is 21 years since we tied the knot on a gloomy, overcast day on Saturday 9 September 1989, when No 1 was 11, No 2 was 8 and No 3 was a distant twinkle...we both still had our mums, trim figures, and hopes for the future.  How different things are now...
Romilly came in to us first thing with a card and a photo frame she'd put together of three photos of me and C, her and C, and all three of us.  Lovely thing, and it did bring a tear to the eye; bless her.
The logs were being delivered this morning - we'd been and ordered them on Tuesday from the local wood place - they do all sorts of things up there, it's fascinating to wander around.  So the guys duly turned up and managed once again to manoeuvre their Land Rover and trailer up the lane to our garage to unload - no mean feat I might tell you as the lane is narrow and there is limited space to turn round!  They managed to offload a huge pile of logs and get out again unscathed - very impressive.  So that left us to sort out the pile - I'd cleared out the log store and started to sort the smallest logs to barrow down and stack in it; the bigger stuff will have to stay in the garage until I've summoned the energy to get the big axe ( the 'Whomper') out and split them down a bit more.  Eight barrowfuls later the store was looking nicely replenished, complete with kindling box full, and I'd had enough - red faced and sweaty is not a good look on most women, and I am no exception!
So up to the shower I went to spruce up as we were going out for lunch - we went to a lovely place in Ryde called Olivo's, which does Italian and Mediterranean food and has a lovely atmosphere (or should that be ambience?).  It was quite busy, which I was surprised about for a Thursday lunchtime.  There were lots of Bestival goers arriving in Ryde and we'd noticed a huge queue down at the bus station, people with huge rucksacks and camping equipment on their way into Newport.
We had a lovely lunch - thoroughly nice to get out amongst other people and treat ourselves.  Afterwards Rom and I walked up into town to get a couple of bits, while C got the car and picked us up.  We had a quite afternoon at home; I was getting ready to go back to choir after the summer break, which meant putting together all the new music, register, registration cards for new people, my folder, Hannah's folder etc etc.  C played with his ipad and Rom went up to her room and promptly fell asleep!  The young have no stamina these days.
I went off to meet Hannah (our choir director) for dinner before rehearsal;  having thought I'd left plenty of time to get to Newport I managed to get caught up in huge traffic jams - a result of people arriving for Bestival and accessing various different parts of the site (about which I didn't know) so it took me a while to get through.  I love the idea of Bestival, but the impact it has on us mere residents can be a little frustrating, to put it politely!
Rehearsals went really well - although it is always a bit weird singing Christmas songs at this time of year.  We had nine new members - five were men!! - so lots of introductions and taking them under the wing.  Hopefully they all enjoyed it - it's a bit daunting first time round - and will come back next week.
Pub after choir, as usual, and nice to catch up with news since the tour; nice as well for me to have a few hours out - although C's welfare was always on my mind, but I knew he had Nos 2 and 3, plus Dan, there to keep him company.  He said it was good for him too, to spend time with someone different, so hopefully the arrangement will work.
And he's booked us to go away for a couple of days - seems like a good idea to do this while he is still relatively well; nothing too strenuous, just a nice hotel, nice restaurant, and a very posh car generously loaned by C's employers, Esplanade Garage.  Bit of a treat as we haven't done this in a while!!  I'm sure C's looking forward to it - it will be nice to do normal things and make the most of the opportunity; he is starting to struggle sometimes with the discomfort, though thankfully not pain, of the tumour site.  He manages to stay fairly upbeat still, but it is getting increasingly difficult to stay patient and not dwell too much on the down side of the illness - we really need to get on, but while the health professionals discuss the case time and time again, with no actual action, we have no idea when that will be.  I supposed while we don't know what will happen, we can almost pretend there's nothing wrong, for a little while anyway...

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