I am struggling to remember what day it is lately - I know the date, and I know what month it is, but days merge into each other, which I guess is bound to happen once a routine is disrupted. So every day is just 'today', and is defined by whatever plan we have for that day - today there wasn't really one, although yesterday we had made a list of things we need to do so it was a case of choosing something...
I however decided to crack on with the ironing - always a pressing task in our house (see what I did there?) as we do somehow manage to get through an awful lot of clothes quite quickly. No sooner has a weekend gone by and I've caught up again, than it's come round and the laundry baskets are full up. Now I have to confess to a bit of a fetish for hanging out washing - I don't know why, and yes I know it's weird - but the tail end is that I have a huge pile of ironing to deal with. And I hate ironing. I have to be in the mood for it, and when I am it's no holds barred and just get it all done. So I spent all yesterday morning doing it, which then led to the next problem of where the hell to put all the clothes!!! Oh me......
C had a call from Sonya, his Macmillan nurse, to confirm that he will be going into hospital for a biopsy on the tumour. We have to go to the local hospital (thank goodness) for him to be admitted at 12pm on Friday and he may have to stay in overnight, depending on how things go and what sedation they need to give him. He can't have any breakfast tomorrow either, so it's going to be a bit tough keeping him going as his energy levels do tend to dip dramatically without 'little and often' eating. I have a feeling too that he's going to be difficult to keep in - he hates hospitals, and the thought of having to stay in overnight on a men's ward is likely to make him recover PDQ so he can get his a*** out of there as soon as possible!!!!
C made lunch today - I'm not letting him get out of all the chores, and to be fair he wants to do things when he can so he doesn't feel totally useless. It also means I can keep my nose to the grindstone with whatever I'm doing, so I don't always escape chores!!
Romilly came to do the shopping with me this afternoon while C 'took five' and had a rest. He's been a bit pooped again today. So off we girls went to Tesco, armed with a small list and a lot of ideas. As we were wandering around the store, which is obviously not mega exciting - seen one supermarket you've seen them all - Romilly started to make me laugh; she has this way of saying 'horse' that has me in stitches and the more she does it the funnier it gets. I don't know why, neither does she, but suffice it to say that on more than one occasion she said 'horse' and walked off, leaving me in fits of crying laughter in some aisle or other. My hysteria reached a peak when she started talking about the Ann Summers party she's having next week - now I know it may seem weird, she's 18, and she's invited lots of her 18 year old friends, to a party where you discuss, examine, purchase items of, shall we say, an erotic nature. But the mere thought of me buying anything at this party, let alone ever using it, provoked such hilarity that we couldn't move out of the milk/yoghurt/cheese aisle for quite some time. And it wasn't Romilly that found it funny, it was me!! She just creased up at my unusual prudishness...which does not happen that often, I am not easily shocked. My cheeks ached, my stomach ached, and I felt so much better having laughed so ridiculously. She's an angel that girlie of mine, so wonderful and funny, a true blessing.
Romilly had also decided that as she was home again tonight we were going to watch a film - didn't know what film, but we were bound to have one kicking around somewhere. It's always nice to have her around, and even more so lately - she has a lovely close relationship with C - something I've sadly never had with my dad, although things are better now than they have been - and to see them together is really sweet; she's very very protective of her dad and he loves her to bits, as he does all his kids. We've been very lucky the way our kids have turned out - they're all sensible, grounded, reliable adults with a strong sense of family, which is so important right now.
So not much happened today really - although I ought to mention that apart from being a bit tired, which is par for the course lately, C has been very upbeat and almost back to his BC (before cancer) self. Lovely to see.
To end I thought I'd let you have some statistics (because I can get them on this blog site!) - to date, there have been 4124 views of the blog and we are global!!! The 'audience' apparently stretches beyond the UK into Finland, France, Spain, Australia, America, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, China, Thailand, Japan and New Zealand - so thank you to everyone who checks in and I hope you all continue to do so. Please feel free to leave comments at the end of each day to let me know how I'm doing.
Until tomorrow,
K x
Karen and Chris, Hi went into Esplanade yesterday and heard the news, to think Chris and I were comparing kidney stones, little does one know what is around the corner.I think you are all being fantastically brave , although having worked with Chris know what he is like when he is keeping cool; when I would blew all the profit on another deal and he wanted to tell me my fortune !! keep doing the blog, keep being brave, will follow closely as positively as possible, Robert