Saturday, 25 September 2010

D Day + 42: Thursday 23 September 2010 - Catching Up

I went into work today - not to work, but to drop off my updated sick certificate and see all the lovely lovely girlies I work with.  It's a sad thing that you don't realise how lucky you are until it's a bit late in the day, but going in to my place of work and seeing all those fabulous people really gave me a lift.  Not only was it good to see the girls I share an office with - all of them: Kay, Lisa, Erin, Raquel, Chris, Erin, Issi, Charlotte - but the others that work in the same building that I used to see most days - Sharon, Carol, Suey, Jan; plus Kev who I shall name separately because he's  not a girl.  They are all amazing, and I miss them SO much, and they're all so supportive and encouraging and just so generally lovely I can't praise them enough.  It was difficult going in to the office, but once there I felt so comfortable and, yes I'm going to say it, loved, that it was easy to stay longer than I'd planned just to catch up and drink them all in again for a while.  I love them all.
C was out to lunch today with his friend Simon, who has been another stalwart supporter lately, and a long term friend to us both.  He was really up beat when he got back to it was great for him to be able to get out again and see someone different.  We both need lots of that!
It was choir night again tonight - I love Thursdays because of this; it's such an uplifting experience being in this choir (or any choir I'm sure).  I think I've mentioned we're doing our Christmas rehearsals now, and singing these wonderful songs (even though I'm not remotely religious) is very inspiring.  We went to the pub again afterwards, which is a bit of a tradition now, and it was great to spend time chatting to everyone again - we don't have a lot of time to catch up in rehearsal breaks so this is a really good opportunity.  I must mention Hannah, Kieron, Tina, Sarah, Rich, Vicki and Hayley as they are usually there and we all get on so well it's nice to have a core family; everyone else is always welcome though.
And so to tomorrow, the end of another week; I was never one to wish away time, but I'm so keen to get us underway with treatment etc that I am wishing away time for next Thursday to get here a bit quicker!!

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