Woke up to another fabulous autumn morning; there's no doubt about it, September is a glorious month for late summer weather and it's lovely being able to make the most of it.
We decided to get out in it and packed up a picnic, then drove across to Culver Down (our absolute favourite walking spot and right on the doorstep). I am absolutely falling in love with the Land Rover as it's so good at practically everything and is great for car picnics if the weather's bad - today however we just unloaded the dogs and I traipsed off with them, while C sat in the front of Monty (that's the LR's name - I told you before that I name everything...) with the ipad doing his newfangled tracking thing of ships and planes - he's downloaded a couple of 'apps' which track aircraft and ships, so when he spots one of either he calls up the appropriate app and can find out what it's called, where it's come from and where it's going!!! Not sure if this is very security conscious...practically a hijacker's delight!!
Once we were home again I decided to mow the lawn - now this is another of those jobs that C has always done; I confess to being rubbish at it and hating every minute, but needs must and it needed to be done. The difficulty is that our 'lawn' (as really it's just a blanket of assorted weeds with the odd patch of grass poking through) is in three bits - front, lower back and upper back; the garden goes up the side of the Down in tiers, so it's not a straightforward pushing-the-Flymo-round-the-garden activity; oh no, this is full on, sweat breaking, haul-the-Flymo-up-the-steps-over-all-the-different-levels-and-alternate-where-it's-plugged-in-as-the-garden's-so-long type activity. Bugger that; I did the back lawns and left the front one for the weekend!! Thankfully C had done the obligatory PCP (Poop Clearing Patrol) prior to my mowing, so saved me one job. He did try a bit of weeding too (they've taken over lately, bloody things) but this just exhausted him so quickly he had to give up, much to his frustration. I really wish he wouldn't be so hard on himself - he's been doing so well dealing with his illness that I think he forgets he's lost weight and energy reserves and has to slow down. Learning curve here he comes....
No 2 usually arrives on Thursday late afternoon; today was no exception and he was primed to take over from me. Chich (for what is what we call him, even though he hates it and has tried, after 20 odd years, to get me to call him Chris - nope, not happening. He's called Chich because when he and No 1 were younger C and I decided that it would aid 'bonding' for us all to have nicknames and not he formal - Bren became Bernard (or Berine) and Chris Jr became Chich, which is a derivation of Chichester (because it sounded like Christopher). With me so far? Chich took over and fed the dogs, cooked dinner for me, and for him and C, and I left them happily discussing football as they usually do. So C was in very safe and welcome hands for the evening.
And tonight was choir night for me - yippee!! I love choir. Have I said this before? It's been my utter salvation for almost three years, the absolute stress buster. I've made some wonderful friends and they keep me going - I'm not sure how many of them read this blog, but I want to say thank you to them all (you know who you are H, V, R, H, T, R, L, K et al). We are doing our Christmas repertoire at the moment so everyone is still excited about the new stuff - time will tell how fed up we get with it by the time the concert arrives (which is Monday 13 December, 7.30 at Medina Theatre, by the way, in case any of you fancy coming). I do a lot of the admin stuff for the choir and absolutely love it, as well as having a trill as a soprano. We usually go to the pub afterwards as well for a catch up as we don't have time in rehearsals. By the time I get home I am really chilled and happy, which can only be a good thing.
Tra la la.....
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