Tuesday, 21 September 2010

D Day + 39: Monday 20 September 2010 - The PJs reign supreme

Today was a bit weird.  Weird in the sense that C spent all day in his pyjamas; all day.  I don't remember him ever having done that before.  He was really tired and just felt like loafing around not doing much; can't say I blame him really, he's been through a lot lately and has coped so amazingly well I think he's entitled to an odd day (I'm sure there will be many more of those to come).
I didn't get up to much either, just the odd bit of ironing, some housework and looking after C.  Nice in a way because we'd had a busy Sunday.
Which all means that unfortunately there isn't much to put in the blog for today; certainly describing my domestic activities isn't going to cut it!!!
I did take the dogs out to Culver, again (I know, you're going to wonder why on earth I don't go anywhere else - truth is that (a) I love being up high with a view to look at, (b) the dogs don't have to be on a lead much up there so get to run around all the time, and (c) it's not far away from home.  I parked up just next to where two people were flying kites - a 'mature' couple shall we say, in the sense that they were older anyway!!  Not sure what they felt about having a Land Rover parked in their flight path though....
And I decided to go to the extra choir rehearsal tonight - these are always on Mondays and are specifically for different sections of the choir at a time, but Hannah says it's 'helpful' to have other parts there too for support.  Tonight it was the tenors (mainly low voiced ladies and some chaps) but there were some basses, altos and three of us sopranos as well - Ruth, Roz and I doing our best to hit the high notes in the right places without sounding to screechy or scared at being so exposed!!  It was a good session though, and as always gave me a real lift.  It's also good extra practice and useful to see how your part fits in with the others.
C was already abed when I got back (and I wasn't late).  He was suffering a bit and complained of dizziness; I think that's a lot to do with how regularly he eats as we'd had an early dinner and he hadn't had anything since.  This called for an emergency bowl of corn flakes with lots of sugar, which seemed to do the trick.  We're getting very good at organising small meals and snacks now...just need to get the timings right.
And so to bed....

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