Sunday, 3 October 2010

D Day + 51: Saturday 2 October 2010 - Stir Crazy

Oh how I hate housework.  Hate it.  But the down side to living in an old house is that it has a tendency to retain dust everywhere, and breeds its own cobwebs.  And once you start lighting an open fire it just gets worse.  So after a week's worth of horrible weather and being cooped up indoors I really had to get to grips with dusting and vaccuuming.  Ick.  Meantime, while I'm slaving away at home, C went off to see Jill - this is a total role reversal as he always did the housework and I was the one that went out!!!  He came back armed with fresh carrots from Jill's garden, another book to read, and a tin mug she'd bought for our Land Rover picnics - very aptly emblazoned with 'Keep Calm and Carry On.'  Which is exactly what we're trying to do!!
Progress with my iphone is slow - still no life in it really, which I am struggling to understand as the damn thing didn't even get that wet, it wasn't totally immersed, just in a dampish coat pocket.  So why the hell it is struggling to get going is beyond me, and C, which is frustrating him big time.  Another reminder of how you get used to something, only to be threatened with losing it - the story of my life right now!  We're trawling the internet forums for tips, and keep trying them, so I hope we strike lucky; if not it looks like I'm going to have to shell out for a replacement, which is not good right now with finances having to be scrupulously watched.  Ho hum.
C made lunch today - he did try to get out of it with the pathetic excuse that he doesn't know how to cook rice; this did not work and I told him in no uncertain terms that someone like him, who used to run a company, cannot get away with transparent attempts to evade making lunch.  So he got on with it, and made lunch, and it was very nice.  Hah.  Gotta watch him...
With the weather being iffy again there isn't an awful lot we can do - you really don't feel like going out, but sitting around indoors makes you a little stir crazy, and there have been a few days like that this week already.  I took the dogs out again, and as the Ryder Cup was back on again C sat and watched that.  I guess we might have been a bit on edge as well because Romilly was on the mainland and on her way back, so we were waiting to hear that she'd got back safely.  Which she did.  Another quiet evening in then, punctuated with peaks and troughs of trying to get my iphone working - it's now back to life, but needs to be restored and won't complete when connected to itunes.  Bugger.  I think there's more of a problem with it than just getting damp...apparently the error message 1002 it keeps showing is something to do with a hardware problem, and it didn't get that from sitting in my coat pocket.

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