The new dishwasher was delivered today - a bit of a double edged sword for me as although I was looking forward to the new one arriving, seeing the old one going was like losing an old friend, albeit one who's been harbouring fluff, dog biscuit and who-knows-what other kinds of detritus behind it for the last six and a half years! But off it went, into the back of the Currys lorry, leaving the new shiny silver model in its place. I have yet to give it a name....
No 2 came round this afternoon in his official capacity as a Sky installer - he's put in and connected a Sky box in the back room, linked to C's new TV, so that he can get a decent signal in there. No 2's workmate Jim was with him, a chap he's known for almost his whole life, and who used to play in the junior football team with him - which made me feel old yet again as I realised the little chap was now a grown man with family of his own, whereas I always used to think of him as aged 9 running around a muddy pitch in footie kit. How things have changed! It is nice though that the kids can do things for their dad now, and I know they love to look after him when they get the chance - he's done so much for them through their lives that they leap at the chance for a bit of payback. C has been an amazing dad to all three kids, and still is, and hopefully will continue to be for some time to come.
We also had No 1 round tonight! I was off to a Carry On themed fancy dress party for one of the choir girl's 50th birthday, so No 1 said he'd keep his dad company, and cook dinner for them both. Brilliant, off I went up to my bedroom to get all costumed up, leaving the two chaps wreaking havoc in my kitchen...well not havoc really, but it is weird to leave someone else in there doing the cooking!! No 1 rustled up a very nice dinner for him and his dad, and it was lovely to see them sat together watching the football, dinners on laps in front of the fire. Cosy.
And so to the party...and my costume!! I'd ummed and ahhed about going, but decided to grasp the nettle and get on with it - shouldn't pass up opportunities when they come your way, however trivial they seem. I'd managed to get a great costume from Masqueryde in Ryde - if you ever need to dress up go there; they are so helpful and can put together almost anything!! It only took a quick phone call and within the hour I'd been there, tried it all on, had several suggestions and additions made, paid, and come home fully equipped. It was a great party - and most people there had made an effort with costumes; it was a shame though that more choir members didn't go, as it made it slightly less impressive when we got up to do a couple of songs, as we'd been asked - I think there were 11 of us...and Kieron did amazingly well as the only bass. Told you we could rise to a challenge!!
Half of the micro-choir: L-R - Kieron, Hannah, Vicki, me, Kat, Ruth
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