Monday, 25 October 2010

D Day + 74: Monday 25 October 2010 - D is for Deb

It's been weird the last few mornings, waking up in bed on my own.  C has taken to going into the back bedroom when he wakes up in the early morning - that's where his new TV and Sky box are, and the spare bed is nice and comfy, so he gets up, usually around 5am, goes and makes some tea and has some cereal, and goes back to bed in the spare room.  Sometimes he falls back to sleep, sometimes he stays awake.  This morning was no exception, but he was feeling a bit low today, not quite the ticket, so I put him back in the 'big bed' (in our room) and told him to stay there - breakfast in bed was on the menu today.  We had boiled eggs (got to get some protein into him), and as always accompanied by toast soldiers.  Well, doesn't everyone?!  His blood pressure had been up slightly this morning, and on second checking an hour later was up very slightly again, so I told him to stay in bed this morning, while I had to go off into work to drop in my new sick certificate.  Armed with the ipad, that's exactly what he did.
It was nice to see the girls at work again; it's been a month since I went in last and they always  seem pleased to see me, give me big hugs and ask how it's going.  I had to apologise that I didn't have any good news for them, and I know it's always difficult when someone asks how things are - once you say they're not good, or have been tricky, it's a job for anyone to know what to say!  Next time I go in I am going to take them some kind of treat as a thank you for their support - cakes always go down well as I remember....
Traffic on the Island today was horrendous - two main parts of the route into Newport were closed and I ended doing almost a tour of the south Wight to get home again!  No idea what was going on - it seems a bit early in the financial year for the Council to be trying to spend up the highways budget.
I'd arranged to meet my lovely friend Deb today - I'm sure I've sung her praises before now, but she is an amazingly supportive and kind friend, and has been an absolute rock for me in the past few weeks.  We went down to the Roman Villa - C came too, I let him get out of bed as his BP was now down to normal limits - ostensibly for coffee, but it's so lovely down there and the food is delicioso (as I know I've said before) so we stayed for lunch, and then more tea and cake.  Yum.  It's very easy to forget that there's a world out there, when you are spending so much time at home dealing with illness - and with a little effort you can change your outlook, just by being around people.  And no obnoxious small children in the restaurant this time I'm happy to report (see yesterday's blog for that particular rant).  It was lovely to watch C chatting and filling up on lunch; he does enjoy getting out, even if it is a bit of an effort sometimes.  Just wish it could happen more really, but my powers of entertainment are limited and it's not easy to ask anyone else to arrange anything as I know everyone is so busy.
I dropped C back home so he could have a restorative nap, and Deb and I went off to another favourite place - the garden centre.  I need to plant some bulbs in the front flower bed, and as it's notorious for weeds it seemed a good idea to get some of that bark stuff to put down.  They had their Christmas display up so we had a look round that, but I still can't get excited about it; shrubs though are a different matter...I could have restocked the garden!!  It was nice to spend some time with Deb; she's a very calm and thoughtful person to talk to, very balanced and non-judgemental.  It helps to talk to her; and as she is going through a similar kind of thing herself, she has a view on how I feel that other people would struggle to understand - not that I don't love, want and appreciate seeing any of my other friends, as they are all wonderful and supportive in their unique ways.  She's also amazing at supporting and talking with C - they get on really well and she calls him her 'other husband'.  By the time we'd got back, had more tea etc and caught up with Romilly when she came home, it was gone 4pm - time had flown.  So today D is for Deb - a Deb Day, and I hope there will be many more; I have a feeling C and I are going to need them.

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