Anyhow...we had a nice day today, helped again by the fabulous autumn weather. We took a trip to Firestone Copse to walk the dogs - it's a nice flat walk which C could manage quite well - and to collect pine cones. I haven't done this for years, but used to a lot when Romilly was little - she used to get so excited as spotting them, for the first half dozen anyway, and when they cracked open at home as they got warm it was such a source of amusement! Having got round the one mile forest walk we unpacked the Land Rover and sat in the sunshine to have lunch. I'd brought proper nammet - for those of you who aren't caulkhead, I'll explain what this is: Nammet is an Isle of Wight term, derived from the words 'no meat' which related to the lunch that working chaps used to eat, consisting of bread, cheese and onion (old style 'ploughman's lunch' if you like) but no meat - they had that in the evening. So nammet we had - bread, cheese, pickled onion, tomato, and a large tin mug full of hot tea made on the amazingly useful mini gas stove C bought a while ago. We even have a proper old kettle! It was all delicious, and the sun was warm on our backs, and it was peaceful...proper nice nammet nipper. We even broke out the new tin mug Jill had bought for C for just such an occasion...
C with The Mug, nammet, and snazzy gas stove and kettle
The Mug has the slogan 'Keep Calm and Carry On' emblazoned on it - something to use as a mantra as Jill has suggested; bloody good idea.
Once home C got a call from a former colleague of his - Robert - who was over on the Island and rang to see if he could drop in. It was lovely to see him again (haven't seen him for years!) and he and C spent a couple of hours nattering and catching up. It really did C good - I've said this before, it's so nice for him to see other people and talk about normal things!! Romilly and I left them to it and spent a pleasant and highly amusing hour going through a country cottages brochure, doing accents depending on where in the country the cottages were...which got a bit silly as we couldn't drop the Welsh accent after a while to all the cottages after that were described in the 'voice of the valleys' despite being in Cornwall, Devon etc. Much mirth!!!! There are three standard phrases for the Welsh accent (according to my Dad): "Look you isn't it", "Whose coat is this jacket" and one I will not relate here as it's a bit iffy. We also managed the words 'cracking' and 'lovely' in fairly passable Tom Jones.
It's early evening now and we've settled down in the lounge; casserole's in the oven, and I need to get some logs in and open some more wine (there is a lot of that going on at the moment - wine I mean). It's nice to be up to date; memory is so unreliable (and clearly in the past right now anyway) that at least I know I've got today right.
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