Saturday, 16 October 2010

Days 63 and 64: Thursday 14 October and Friday 15 October 2010: Downhill....

Sorry to have missed regular postings again - the end of the week went downhill a bit so it's taken me until now to get to sit down and post again.  Picking up on the last posting, I nipped over to Nanny's to collect my piece of donk -and it was just as I remember as a child!  Lovely...
 My Donk
C has had a bit of a low spell the last couple of days.  He's been feeling really tired, and his blood pressure, which we have to monitor daily, has been going up - a side effect of the anti-cancer drug.  Thursday was okay - we took things easy, and although he's had restless nights he has managed to nap during the day to try and catch up.  Rom and Chich were at home Thursday night while I went off to choir, as usual.  We had another good rehearsal, and a bit of a challenge as some of us are taking on small group solos for the verses of Gaudete - which is all in Latin!!  So finally the O level I took in Sixth Form has paid off....
Friday morning things started off okay - C's blood pressure, though up, wasn't too high.  He phoned the Chemo Unit anyway and let them know, and they said we needed to keep a close eye on it and get back to them after the weekend with updated readings.  Things took a downhill turn Friday afternoon however, when I took two readings (just to make sure) which were very much higher than the morning one...and so off to A&E we went, just to be on the safe side.  Don't panic anyone - it's just a precaution, it doesn't mean anything drastic, we just need them to be aware of it!! So we went in and thankfully had the Red Carpet treatment due to the magic cancer emergency card we'd got from the Chemo staff!!  Straight in to A&E, straight into a cubicle and the doctor - a very nice Spanish lady - came in and took bloods for testing.  They have to check the platelets in C's blood due to the effect of the cancer drug - these went off asap and the results were back to say the readings were fine, the same as the previous set a few weeks ago.  All that needed to be done was for him to have some tablets to help lower his blood pressure to more normal levels - which meant waiting for the on call pharmacist to make up the prescription.  Worth mentioning too that the lovely senorita also gave C a nice 'happy' pill to relax him, and we got some of those for home too...might have to share those ones!!
And so three and a half hours later we got home - Romilly was doing me a Virgin Vie party, and as I wasn't there at the start she and the lovely Mrs Jones co-hosted and looked after the guests for me.  It was so nice to know that they had everything under control and I could concentrate on sorting C out.
C went up to bed - he was shattered and still fairly dopey from the happy pill - and I had a couple of much wanted glasses of wine and a chin wag with the girls.  And had a bit of commission to spend too, which was nice....thank you to Mags, Jan, Carol, Lu, Viv, Lora and Deb for making that happen.
Tomorrow C has to start taking the blood pressure tablet, but stop taking the anti cancer drug, until we can speak to the Chemo Unit on Monday - they seem to be the ones who are responsible overall for his care, so we need to liaise with them about Friday's events.  They don't work weekends - shame cancer doesn't work like that too....

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