Monday, 25 October 2010

D Day + 72: Saturday 23 October 2010 - Bats and Not Much Activity

I think I may have had a slight hangover this morning; I don't get crashing hangovers as people describe, but I definitely wasn't the full ticket, so I would term it a bit 'bats in the belfry' rather than 'hung over.'
I spent the morning catching up on the blog again - the days seem to merge quickly into each other that I forget to do it some days and have to flog my brain to remember what happened!  I also uploaded photos from the party last night (see yesterday's blog, and if you're on Facebook you can see them on my page, if you're my friend....)  I must have had a good time, and a few white wines, because I don't remember what time I got home; all I do remember is getting a lift back with my lovely soprano buddy Tina and her partner Steve (thanks guys!) and walking up The Mall, still obviously wearing my Dick Turpin outfit...good job no-one was about or I may have been tempted to actually try out a bit of highway robbery.... 
Having taken most of the morning to 'come to', we ventured out to Ryde - C fancied something to keep him occupied, a hobby, and he's always enjoyed piecing together complicated models of various things, so we went out and bought a kit for a Peugeot 307 rally car; trouble was that there was no price on it, which led to much discussion over the telephone by the girl behind the counter, trying to ascertain what she should charge.  In the end they came up with the figure of £11.40 - which, by mine and C's estimation, was about £30 short of what it should have been, compared to other similar kits on the same shelf...bargainarama.  And I got a jigsaw puzzle...because I like them, so there.
We went and had a quick coffee in Liberty's, which started out quite relaxing but was quickly spoiled by a couple who came in with two young children - now, I don't want to sound like an old bag (though I expect some people would think I am just that) but my days of tolerating the loud noises and over activity of young children are well and truly over; my daughter is 18 years old, and even when she was a toddler I did not allow her, nor did she have any inclination, to make as much attention-seeking noise as possible and jump up and down or run around screaming when she didn't get it.  I don't have anything against young children being out with their parents, but what I do object to is when they are allowed to impinge on the peace and enjoyment of other people in the vicinity while their parents either blatantly turn a blind eye or just look at them with a look of 'Bless them' on their faces.  Small children are cute, when they behave cute, not when they shout, scream, cry loudly, run around in circles, jump up and down constantly or repeatedly yell the same word to gain some attention.   So there were C and I, sitting at a table drinking tea, and these children are next to us, bounding around on the leather sofas; so we did the decent thing (which is sadly more than their parents did) and left quietly.  Make of my opinion what you will - I doubt very much that I am alone!!!!!

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