Sunday, 10 October 2010

D Day + 57: Friday 8 October 2010 - Outings

Apologies - I've got behind again!!  There has been a lot going on so I haven't been as up to date as I'd like; note to self - must do better!!
Today was a day for get-togethers - as Big Brother Chris was still on the Island I went over to collect him from Carol's house; on arriving I found them both ensconced on the sofa with cups of tea, the detritus of online genealogy (their laptops) surrounding them!!  They had apparently spent the previous evening, on in each corner of the sofa, doing their family history research like a pair of geeks!!!  Carol's friend Lou arrived while I was there - she's Swedish but has live here for ages, having married one of Carol's friends back in the 70s.  I haven't seen her in ages so it was nice to chat again.
Took Chris back to ours, and we went out for lunch - C suggested The Sloop, by which he means The Folly, so we headed off; it's a lovely place to have lunch, as I've mentioned before, right on the river and the food is amazing - it's just a bit of a trial getting there as the road down to it is very very potholed!! Fine when I had my jeep, but in an ordinary car it's a bit bumpy!  I am loving my new car though; she's very nippy and wonderfully cheap to run compared to poor old Gregory - plus she has a good CD player which I am now using, sadly you may think, to practise some of the John Rutter carols we are doing for the Christmas concert.  There have been many Thursdays lately when I have driven to Newport and back again over the Downs trilling merrily along to the Shepherd's Pipe Carol (known affectionately in choir as, you guessed it, the Shepherd's Pie Carol).
Chris and I took the dogs up on Culver and it was nice to catch up with each others' news - he knows what it's like to be the partner of someone who is seriously ill, as his girlfriend has sadly been in ill health for quite a long time.  We have a lot in common, which is lovely considering we've been apart for the last 43 and a half years; it's such a shame that one of the strongest bonds we have is because of the suffering of our partners, we'd both wish it different for their sakes.  Time came too soon again to drop him to the train station for his return to the mainland.
I spent the evening out with some friends from choir - they've been such a boost for me, especially over the last few weeks, and it's lovely to go out and talk properly together; we usually have to squeeze in quick 'Hello, how are you?'-s during the beginning/interval/end at choir rehearsals every Thursday!  My lovely daughter was my lift home, and for Vicki too, so we had a lovely few drinkypoos at the pub, there was background music, and we laughed a lot too - a really really relaxing evening, which fortified me again for my day to day existence.  If any of you read this - thank you !! x
My evening out meant that C was alone; it's not easy for me to leave him on his own (Romilly was out too) and I do worry that he will sit and brood.  However he found some footie to watch on TV which seemed to have kept him occupied, and as he gets tired easily he had a fairly early night again.  Rom and I got back to find him stretched out in bed, half covered, with Sidney snuggled in - he has lost some weight (C, not Sidney) and when he's asleep he looks peaceful, but vulnerable, and although we can wrap him in the duvet at night to keep him safe and warm, we wish it was as easy to do the rest of the time.... 

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