Friday, 27 August 2010

D Day + 15 Friday 27 August 2010 - Oops, I missed one....

Hi all - sorry to those of you who logged in yesterday to see the blog, but there wasn't one; truth is I went out last night and didn't get it done beforehand, and definitely in no state to do it when I got home.  Apologies - this one will be a double-day!!
Yesterday I went to see my GP; well, not my GP, but one of the GPs at the surgery where my GP is based.  Having braced myself to be assertive and strong, I promptly caved when she asked me what she could do for me and I started explaining - thankfully C was with me and between us we explained our situation.  She promptly said she was signing me off work as I was clearly in no fit state to be of any use to anyone (my words, not hers).  Relief flooded me, washing away the small amount of guilt I had been feeling.  She asked me what I did for a job, and when I told her I worked for the IW Council she said "Ah, no way" (her words, not mine) and promptly signed me off for four weeks.  So I have breathing space.  C and I came out of the surgery feeling slightly relieved to know we have this space, and promptly went and bought a new plant - which actually wasn't a conscious thing but I needed to buy my lovely friend Tina a birthday present and we were in a garden centre so hey, that's the way it goes....
So, as I said, I went out last night...I have to confess to being a bit apprehensive about it as I hadn't seen the choir girlies since we got back from tour.  Fallout from spending an intensive amount of time with peeps can always be a bit prickly so I didn't know what to expect, but it was all really nice - lots of yummy cocktails consumed and all well. 

 L to R: Kat, Chris, Tina, me, Vicki and Hayley - my lovely choir girlies

I was even on best behaviour when Romilly collected me at 11pm sharp (wouldn't dare be late for my daughter any more).  It was a lovely few hours break and we didn't discuss the 'c' word once...apart from my friend Kat's current treatment, with which I wish her a speedy recovery.
And so into today - Friday.  Still didn't manage to get up for my early morning speed walk, but 7am I was awake and did a cooked brekkie for us all again - we'll all be getting fat at this rate; free time is not always a good thing...I went out with a couple of friends for coffee and cake (although I wasn't going to have cake, but caved in at the sight of cherry bakewell) and a good catch up.  C also went out with his mate Simon for lunch, so we both had a nice respite.  By the time he got home I was back and well in to sorting out the new choir newsletter and starting to organise new music for the Christmas concert.  I took the dogs out for a run at about teatime, and when I got back No 2 was here making tea - he stayed for dinner with us, which was nice for all of us, and then C and I watched a DVD I'd got from town earlier.  And so here I am - condensing two days of light activity into one blog.  My friend Shaz was worried she had missed yesterday, so hopefully won't be disappointed with my merged effort!!!!!
I was really pleased that C got out with a mate of his for a while today - it must have been nice for him to talk about things with another chap and get the whole thing in perspective; Simon is a really lovely guy and I know C values his company a lot, so to have spent time with him, talking about things and to know that Simon was genuinely upset and shocked at his situation was a real revelation for C.  I know there are lots of his friends and colleagues out there who feel the same, and it's very reassuring to know; thanks guys, it means a lot to both of us.
And so to bed - I hope no-one feels cheated out of what should be two days worth of waffled, but I really would have, well, waffled last night...I guess it's about the quality, not the quantity, as with most things....goodnight!!

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