Saturday, 14 August 2010

D Day + 2: Saturday 14 August 2010: Part 1

Somehow I will never quite get to grips with mornings; since being on leave I've either been surviving on minimal hours sleep (in France) or too much (at home) and feeling groggy in the mornings either way.  This morning wasn't too bad, and thankfully C had slept much better so was not quite as shattered as yesterday; this state of affairs was much aided by the fact that Sidney (the dog) was not roaming around the bed and bedroom quite so much as usual - perhaps he's got a handle on what's happening?  He is a sensitive chap, thinks he's half human really....
It's been handy having some kind of plan for the days so far - I know were only two days post diagnosis, but having something to look forward to, small though it may be, is giving some kind of shape to the days.  Something I hope we can continue as the weeks and months go by.  C needed to go to the Post Office (EBay sales still ongoing) and the chemist for the diazepam Mr O had prescribed for C to take before the MRI scan (he gets a bit claustrophobic and the thought of spending any length of time in a narrow tube is frankly quite alarming).  Chores done, we decided to investigate changing my car, a Suzuki Grand Vitara - I've had it a while and it's becoming quite expensive to run (1.6 litre engine and the price of petrol these days, oo er...).  Off down to Son No 1's place of work to check out a Jimny....sadly it's not going to prove any more economic than good old Greg I've got now (named by my bubbly friend Deb, don't ask why...I don't know either).  So a rethink required there.
Also went down to the Roman Villa for a cuppa and some of their home made cake - it never ceases to amaze me that at the Villa you will ALWAYS find (1) a man with a beard and sandals, (2) someone wearing those trousers of which the bottom half zip off to turn them into shorts (possibly the man with beard and sandals) and (3) someone who spends a lot of time pontificating about the Romans, why they built the villa there, what their lifestyle was like etc etc (and not usually a member of the staff).  Love the Villa as I do, it does seem to attract a certain type of person, which worries me slightly as I wonder what they think of me.....
C has spend a substantial amount of time 'genning' up on the ipad - this is, he explains, so he can understand how it works and get the most from it...personally I think it's a good cover for just playing with it; he's getting quite flash explaining what it does and what he's 'zipped' over to it from the computer, mobile phone etc.... He's downloaded some ibooks (the free ones) and a couple of podcasts, but spent most of his time reading the manual on the ipad, on the ipad.....Neil, his mate from work and former golf partner, has arrived now and they are hunched over the ipad like two small boys in the school playground with a new supply of conkers......
Am off out tonight to meet up with some old school friends - should be interesting as I haven't seen most of them in years; no doubt there will be much discussion on how we've all changed and what we're all up to now...I'm just wondering whether to pass on my news - it's bound to be a bit of a conversation killer!
It's really weird that it's easy to forget that C has cancer...he's so well in himself, no pain or discomfort, and doesn't look ill.  I hate to think this is going to change and he will become quite poorly and weak; he doesn't do illness very well, and this is going to be a real challenge for him to accept.  Talking about it is when it hits home; but hopefully those around us will keep talking and we'll have this thing out in the open.

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