Tuesday, 31 August 2010

D Day + 18: Monday 30 August 2010 - Bank Holiday, and the sun shone!

Unusually for a Bank Holiday Monday we woke up to bright sunshine!  C had a call from his brother in Finland at 8.30am - they are two hours ahead of us and were quite surprised we were still in bed!  John (brother) and his wife Siv are hopefully coming over next weekend for a flying visit, which will be nice as we haven't seen them for a year; the kids always love meeting up with them and frankly it's quite entertaining watching them together as their mannerisms are so similar!!  It will also be something to look forward to as there are bound to be walks, or lunches, or dinner out, or all three, a lovely and welcome distraction.

Feeling inspired by the good weather we decided to crack on and do a few jobs around the garden, which has sadly been neglected lately for one reason or another - I've been away, it's been raining, we've been preoccupied.... First task was one that I've inherited from C, just like the housework - mowing the lawn; hmmmm, not my favourite job either (have you seen how much lawn we have????).  Thankfully before I started C's sister Jill and husband Arth arrived with pastries so we obviously had to make coffee and chat with them! I did get to the lawns eventually - well technically I'm not sure they're lawns as there is more weed than grass in them - and did my duty.  It was hell and I got very hot!!

After lunch I decided we were going out for an hour as we were pacing around again - anything to stop that happening so we took the dogs up on Brading Down for a quick trot and then had ice cream from Bill (check out his Facebook page - 'Bill on Brading Down' or something...) and sat in the sun like grockles.

Home again and when Romilly got back from work we decided to honour our BH tradition and order in a curry; always a treat as they are amazing - Monsoon in Ryde - and as they now deliver as well it's even easier.

We were all shattered and in bed by 9.30, reading or playing this devilishly addictive word game I've downloaded onto my iPhone, and C onto his iPad.  And so I forgot to blog - I'm typing this on Tuesday morning!  I think we had such a normal day yesterday I temporarily forgot about the cancer, blog, etc...which I bet won't happen too often; nice that it can though, just for a while...

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